Disturb us, O Lord!

“They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world”
John 17:16

Tonight reflection is inspired from a poem written in 1577 by Sir Francis Drake; the fact that it was written so long ago moves me down to further humble myself.This poem has been for many the echo throughout generations, a chant to see and experience more of God’s life today; It’s the unspeakable groaning of a born again spirit yearning for growth in faith, knowledge and obedience to the eternal truth of the gospel. May these thoughts help you look into life from an eternal perspective, “live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” (1 Peter 1:17)

But first, who was Sir Francis Drake? Interestingly, like John Newton, a former slave trader who wrote” Amazing Grace”, Francis Drake was born of and raised by a protestant famer from Devon who fled persecution to settle in Kent. This poem summarised for me the unpublished repentant deep thoughts of a famous sea captain, Naval officer of the Elizabethan era who travelled the world on a boat.

"Disturb us, Lord,
When we are too pleased with ourselves, 
when our dreams have come true,
Because we dreamed too little, 
when we arrived safely,
because we sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us Lord,
When with the abundance of things we possess, 
we have lost our thirst for the waters of life; 
having fallen in love with life, 
we have ceased to dream of eternity.."

Sir Francis Drake

Further readings: 1 Peter 2:11; John 17:14; John 8:23


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Christ In You | Part 2